
Every so often I hear straight men claiming that epithets like “faggot” don’t really refer to homosexuals. Rather, they say, it refers to ineffectual men who can’t take care of themselves or anyone else, who can’t give a woman what she needs, men who are cowardly and despicable, men who aren’t Real Men. (I don’t have any links at the moment, though I’ll try to add some the next time I


Every so often I hear straight men claiming that epithets like “faggot” don’t really refer to homosexuals. Rather, they say, it refers to ineffectual men who can’t take care of themselves or anyone else, who can’t give a woman what she needs, men who are cowardly and despicable, men who aren’t Real Men. (I don’t have any links at the moment, though I’ll try to add some the next time I


Does your state have an advance health care directive registry? You may not know. I spoke about my book in Tucson, Arizona last week and told my audiences that the Arizona registry should be a model for other states. But almost no one in my audience knew that Arizona had such a registry! It's free; it's easy; and it provides anyone who registers a directive with a wallet card that you can carry

Becalmed Among The Great Unwashed

You know, I don’t think I’m going to finish reading Susan Jacoby’s The Age of American Unreason. I imagine Jacoby feels better for having written it, vented her bile, and talked to the press about it. But I don’t feel better for having read the first eighty pages, so I’m gonna vent my bile right here.As I expected, The Age of American Unreason is an extended and not very skillful game of “Ain’t

Becalmed Among The Great Unwashed

You know, I don’t think I’m going to finish reading Susan Jacoby’s The Age of American Unreason. I imagine Jacoby feels better for having written it, vented her bile, and talked to the press about it. But I don’t feel better for having read the first eighty pages, so I’m gonna vent my bile right here.As I expected, The Age of American Unreason is an extended and not very skillful game of “Ain’t

But Enough About You ...

This article – well, really it’s only a squib – by one Megan McArdle has been linked by IOZ (in a strong, eloquent post), if not by others, on the web. It’s interesting to watch Ms. McArdle squirm: Obviously, there are people who were right about the war for the right reasons, and we should examine what their thought process was--not merely the conclusions they came to, but how they got there.

But Enough About You ...

This article – well, really it’s only a squib – by one Megan McArdle has been linked by IOZ (in a strong, eloquent post), if not by others, on the web. It’s interesting to watch Ms. McArdle squirm: Obviously, there are people who were right about the war for the right reasons, and we should examine what their thought process was--not merely the conclusions they came to, but how they got there.

Age Is Not Just A Number

I saw it again today on the Web, “Age Is Just a Number.” I guess this cliché makes some sense as a corrective to the idea that at each age you’re permitted to act a certain way and do certain things: dress like this but not like that, look like that but not like this, do this but not that, and so on. But beyond that, I think it’s dead wrong. Aging has not, so far, been a big deal for me. My

Age Is Not Just A Number

I saw it again today on the Web, “Age Is Just a Number.” I guess this cliché makes some sense as a corrective to the idea that at each age you’re permitted to act a certain way and do certain things: dress like this but not like that, look like that but not like this, do this but not that, and so on. But beyond that, I think it’s dead wrong. Aging has not, so far, been a big deal for me. My

Prepare To Be Boarded!

I'm mighty tard (Old Hoosier for "tired") tonight, so I'm not going to say much. I was thinking of writing something about Alexei Panshin's 1968 sf novel Rite of Passage, which I just reread, but I quickly found there was more to say than I felt like saying tonight, so I'll just show you the picture above, which I suddenly remembered when I read a reference to a slide rule in Panshin's book.

Prepare To Be Boarded!

I'm mighty tard (Old Hoosier for "tired") tonight, so I'm not going to say much. I was thinking of writing something about Alexei Panshin's 1968 sf novel Rite of Passage, which I just reread, but I quickly found there was more to say than I felt like saying tonight, so I'll just show you the picture above, which I suddenly remembered when I read a reference to a slide rule in Panshin's book.

Wilde In The Streets

Here's another review for Gay Community News, published in the January 15-21, 1989 issue. The caricature above is by Max Beerbohm, a younger contemporary and friend of Wilde's who outlived him by more than half a century.Oscar Wildeby Richard EllmannNew York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988680 pp. Oscar Wilde's London: a Scrapbook of Vices and Virtues 1880-1900by Wolf Von Eckardt, Sander L.

Wilde In The Streets

Here's another review for Gay Community News, published in the January 15-21, 1989 issue. The caricature above is by Max Beerbohm, a younger contemporary and friend of Wilde's who outlived him by more than half a century.Oscar Wildeby Richard EllmannNew York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988680 pp. Oscar Wilde's London: a Scrapbook of Vices and Virtues 1880-1900by Wolf Von Eckardt, Sander L.

Alaina helps me dye again

Here is Ally helping my get ready to dye today. The bottom picture is of Ally several years ago when she helped me test my dye book colors. Notice the difference in her height. She is officially taller than me.

Atheists Say The Darnedest Things!

Strange. I’ve been encountering an unusual number of strangely misinformed remarks about religion by atheists recently. Maybe I’ve just been in a meaner, crankier mood than usual? Try this one, from the late Arthur C. Clarke: “Science can destroy a religion by ignoring it as well as by disproving its tenets. No one ever demonstrated, so far as I am aware, the nonexistence of Zeus or Thor, but

Thanks for voting

The contest ended Easter morning and Amanda did not win. The winner was chosen by a panel of judges. She did have the most votes, so thank you to everyone who took the time to vote. Tomorrow is a big dyeing day. My granddaughter, Alaina, is staying with me for a few days and we will be dyeing up a storm. We started folding and organizing wool in the studio tonight. She wore me out. She

Atheists Say The Darnedest Things!

Strange. I’ve been encountering an unusual number of strangely misinformed remarks about religion by atheists recently. Maybe I’ve just been in a meaner, crankier mood than usual? Try this one, from the late Arthur C. Clarke: “Science can destroy a religion by ignoring it as well as by disproving its tenets. No one ever demonstrated, so far as I am aware, the nonexistence of Zeus or Thor, but

Wishin’ and Hopin’ and Thinkin’ and Prayin’

(Sorry for the visual distortion in this clip; I couldn’t embed the letterboxed version. The wedding imagery reminds us that the Church is the Bride of Christ, and if you imagine the third-person pronouns with initial capitals [“Wear your hair just for Him … You won’t get Him thinkin’ and a-prayin’ …] you have quite a kinky little hymn on your hands.) My text today, dearly beloved, is

Wishin’ and Hopin’ and Thinkin’ and Prayin’

(Sorry for the visual distortion in this clip; I couldn’t embed the letterboxed version. The wedding imagery reminds us that the Church is the Bride of Christ, and if you imagine the third-person pronouns with initial capitals [“Wear your hair just for Him … You won’t get Him thinkin’ and a-prayin’ …] you have quite a kinky little hymn on your hands.) My text today, dearly beloved, is

It's Literally Turtles All The Way Down

(Cartoon from Baldo, via Literally, A Web Log)But back to literalism. I’ve finished reading Philip Kitcher’s little book Living with Darwin, and he has it all wrong. The Book of Genesis has him in a tizzy, but fundamentalists and creationists don’t even take Genesis literally. I mentioned before that there are two different creation stories in the first two chapters of Genesis. In chapter

It's Literally Turtles All The Way Down

(Cartoon from Baldo, via Literally, A Web Log)But back to literalism. I’ve finished reading Philip Kitcher’s little book Living with Darwin, and he has it all wrong. The Book of Genesis has him in a tizzy, but fundamentalists and creationists don’t even take Genesis literally. I mentioned before that there are two different creation stories in the first two chapters of Genesis. In chapter

¡Me No English!

Now I understand why so many professional writers insist on writing every day, no matter what: it’s so easy, if you take one day off, to let it slide for another, and then another. So I’m back at the keyboard now, before I slip further. There’s so much to write about anyway. I’ve finished reading Living with Darwin, and I have a lot to say about it, as well as about Obama’s big speech on race

¡Me No English!

Now I understand why so many professional writers insist on writing every day, no matter what: it’s so easy, if you take one day off, to let it slide for another, and then another. So I’m back at the keyboard now, before I slip further. There’s so much to write about anyway. I’ve finished reading Living with Darwin, and I have a lot to say about it, as well as about Obama’s big speech on race


The bus shelters in my city, Washington, DC, are plastered with full-length posters of brides and grooms and simply stated messages like "Married people earn more money" and "Marriage works" and "Kids with married parents do better in school." This public relations campaign is one more example of "marriage promotion," the activities that the federal government funds to the tune of $750 million.

Living With Literalism

Philip Kitcher’s Living with Darwin: Evolution, Design, and the Future of Faith (Oxford, 2007) is a nice little book. Kitcher, a philosopher who’s written a well-known critique of creationism and a well-known critique of sociobiology, now takes on Intelligent Design. He does a good job of explaining why natural selection is the best theory we have for the origin and extinction of species, and

Living With Literalism

Philip Kitcher’s Living with Darwin: Evolution, Design, and the Future of Faith (Oxford, 2007) is a nice little book. Kitcher, a philosopher who’s written a well-known critique of creationism and a well-known critique of sociobiology, now takes on Intelligent Design. He does a good job of explaining why natural selection is the best theory we have for the origin and extinction of species, and

The World As I Found It

Another book review for Gay Community News, published in the January 15-21, 1989 issue.No one seems to dispute it now, but as far as I recall, there was controversy over the fact of Wittgenstein's homosexuality into the 1980s -- maybe even as late as the publication of Duffy's novel. And it was philosophers who were throwing hissyfits over it; but I've read enough philosophy that I should know

The World As I Found It

Another book review for Gay Community News, published in the January 15-21, 1989 issue.No one seems to dispute it now, but as far as I recall, there was controversy over the fact of Wittgenstein's homosexuality into the 1980s -- maybe even as late as the publication of Duffy's novel. And it was philosophers who were throwing hissyfits over it; but I've read enough philosophy that I should know

Side note: please vote for your favorite Blog TV show

http://www.myspace.com/blog_tvVisit the link above and vote for your favorite Blog TV show. Scroll all the way to the bottom for the voting area. If you do not have a favorite, consider voting for Amandarama. She is my son's girlfriend and lives with him in NYC. They have been together so long that I consider her my daughter-in-law. The grand prize is a trip around the world!

Hooked Purse Progress

I spent last week at Southern McGown Teachers' Workshop. Rubbing elbows with all those teachers really gets the creative juices flowing.My sewing machine broke so I tried to sew the lining together by hand. I took the supplies with me to workshop and would have been able to use the purse if the lining was a better design. I have the purse together and love the shape.The handles were attached

Wilt thou not once vouchsafe to hide my Will in thine?

I’m most of the way through the second season of Will and Grace on DVD, thanks to my public library. (There was an essay by Edward Rothstein in the New York Times today, lamenting the “democratization” of public libraries – nothing new there! – because the New York City library system is having an event at the Fifth Avenue branch, built around video games. “Nothing in this event embodies the

Wilt thou not once vouchsafe to hide my Will in thine?

I’m most of the way through the second season of Will and Grace on DVD, thanks to my public library. (There was an essay by Edward Rothstein in the New York Times today, lamenting the “democratization” of public libraries – nothing new there! – because the New York City library system is having an event at the Fifth Avenue branch, built around video games. “Nothing in this event embodies the

A Touch Of Class

I’m still reading through the work of Raymond Williams, which is going to take a while. He’s always readable, but I keep coming across ideas and arguments which are unfamiliar to me, which slows me down. And that’s fine: I take a lot of pleasure, and also relief, in finding that I’m still learning new things as I get older. (And also, I confess, frustration that there will not be time to learn

A Touch Of Class

I’m still reading through the work of Raymond Williams, which is going to take a while. He’s always readable, but I keep coming across ideas and arguments which are unfamiliar to me, which slows me down. And that’s fine: I take a lot of pleasure, and also relief, in finding that I’m still learning new things as I get older. (And also, I confess, frustration that there will not be time to learn

Spartacus Died For Your Sins

Along with the Gay Magician, the image of Jesus that most infuriates New Testament scholars is that of Jesus the Revolutionary.Many, I suppose, would deny that they’re furious about it, but as with the Gay Magician, the notion that Jesus was a political rebel produces both intemperate rhetoric and inaccurate claims by those trying to refute it. S. G. F. Brandon, for example, was the target of

Spartacus Died For Your Sins

Along with the Gay Magician, the image of Jesus that most infuriates New Testament scholars is that of Jesus the Revolutionary.Many, I suppose, would deny that they’re furious about it, but as with the Gay Magician, the notion that Jesus was a political rebel produces both intemperate rhetoric and inaccurate claims by those trying to refute it. S. G. F. Brandon, for example, was the target of

The Great Work Begins

Usually, when I read something 'shocking' from a century or more ago, it's hard to see how it could have shocked anyone -- think of Beethoven's 'dissonant' late quartets, or try to imagine how a man could have been excited by the sight of a woman's ankle when skirts trailed the ground. Occasionally something still works. Mrs Warren's Profession, for instance, still strains against male limits

The Great Work Begins

Usually, when I read something 'shocking' from a century or more ago, it's hard to see how it could have shocked anyone -- think of Beethoven's 'dissonant' late quartets, or try to imagine how a man could have been excited by the sight of a woman's ankle when skirts trailed the ground. Occasionally something still works. Mrs Warren's Profession, for instance, still strains against male limits

Queen of the Darned

Another book review for Gay Community News, published January 15-21, 1989. Boy, was I ever wrong! I still enjoy and even respect Rice's work up to Queen of the Damned, but in retrospect I know I rated it too highly. After Queen of the Damned she went on a long slide down the slippery slope to self-parody: the Mayfair Witches books, the later Chronicles of the Vampires (reaching their nadir

Queen of the Darned

Another book review for Gay Community News, published January 15-21, 1989. Boy, was I ever wrong! I still enjoy and even respect Rice's work up to Queen of the Damned, but in retrospect I know I rated it too highly. After Queen of the Damned she went on a long slide down the slippery slope to self-parody: the Mayfair Witches books, the later Chronicles of the Vampires (reaching their nadir

The Love Boat

It has been entertaining, I admit, the spectacle of right-wing bigots tumbling out of the closet like the finale of the stateroom scene in A Night at the Opera.Every time I started to write this post, another case would appear. But not all the hypocrites are on the religious right pretending to be straight; some are openly gay. This has a lot to do with bigotry in the larger society, of course

The Love Boat

It has been entertaining, I admit, the spectacle of right-wing bigots tumbling out of the closet like the finale of the stateroom scene in A Night at the Opera.Every time I started to write this post, another case would appear. But not all the hypocrites are on the religious right pretending to be straight; some are openly gay. This has a lot to do with bigotry in the larger society, of course


On Wednesday, March 12, Washington State Governor Gregoire will sign a law expanding the rights available to same-sex couples who register as domestic partners. It's a civil rights advance...making same-sex couples more like married different-sex couples (but still not equality!). But look at some of the rights that now only registered and married couples will get: the right not to lose your

'Nuff Said

I'm not endorsing Hillary Clinton, by the way, just endorsing Fey's neat slapdown of middle-of-the-road sexism. Katha Pollitt, take note.

'Nuff Said

I'm not endorsing Hillary Clinton, by the way, just endorsing Fey's neat slapdown of middle-of-the-road sexism. Katha Pollitt, take note.

If You Will Be My Friend, Then I Might Give It To You: Chronicles Of The Backlash, Episode The Fourth

I found this entertaining clip at Who Is IOZ?, who got it from Crooks & Liars, who got it from Pam’s House Blend, who got it from something called the Victory Fund – their Web address is in the clip, if you care. (That trail of transmission reminds me of Tom Lehrer’s song “I Got It From Agnes.”) Apparently the speaker, Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern, thought she was speaking to “

If You Will Be My Friend, Then I Might Give It To You: Chronicles Of The Backlash, Episode The Fourth

I found this entertaining clip at Who Is IOZ?, who got it from Crooks & Liars, who got it from Pam’s House Blend, who got it from something called the Victory Fund – their Web address is in the clip, if you care. (That trail of transmission reminds me of Tom Lehrer’s song “I Got It From Agnes.”) Apparently the speaker, Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern, thought she was speaking to “

Para Mis Amigos Mexicanos - Dos Monedas En Inglés

One of my Mexican friends asked me to find this song, a favorite of his by the accordionist Ramon Ayala, just before he went back home. We'd been drinking together, and listening to it quickly brought him to tears. My Spanish is adequate but slow, but I gathered from what he said that it reminded him of some experiences from his own childhood (I hope not nearly as bad). We played the video over

Para Mis Amigos Mexicanos - Dos Monedas En Inglés

One of my Mexican friends asked me to find this song, a favorite of his by the accordionist Ramon Ayala, just before he went back home. We'd been drinking together, and listening to it quickly brought him to tears. My Spanish is adequate but slow, but I gathered from what he said that it reminded him of some experiences from his own childhood (I hope not nearly as bad). We played the video over

In Like A Lion

I'm working on some more longish postings, which are still unfinished. But today it began snowing fairly heavily, enough to close the schools early and cancel evening flights at Indianapolis airport. Since I had no pressing responsibilities, I enjoyed looking at it and walking through it. So I took my camera out tonight to record the way things look.

In Like A Lion

I'm working on some more longish postings, which are still unfinished. But today it began snowing fairly heavily, enough to close the schools early and cancel evening flights at Indianapolis airport. Since I had no pressing responsibilities, I enjoyed looking at it and walking through it. So I took my camera out tonight to record the way things look.

It Takes One To Know One

To show that I'm not totally out of it, that I have my thumbs pressed firmly around the Adam's apple of the American zeitgeist, this little anthem of American diversity. Be warned, it's not work-safe -- or, probably, human-safe:According to Jeff Gordon's website, he's welcomed God into his, um, life. Is that like being taught the mystery of the kingdom of God?Tim Wilson's kinda cute in an

It Takes One To Know One

To show that I'm not totally out of it, that I have my thumbs pressed firmly around the Adam's apple of the American zeitgeist, this little anthem of American diversity. Be warned, it's not work-safe -- or, probably, human-safe:According to Jeff Gordon's website, he's welcomed God into his, um, life. Is that like being taught the mystery of the kingdom of God?Tim Wilson's kinda cute in an


On Tuesday, the District of Columbia became the second city (after San Francisco) to require employers to give employees paid sick leave. Some last minute exemptions weakened the bill, which you can learn more about from the D.C. Employment Justice Center. Last summer, I testified before the D.C. City Council urging that the leave be available to care for a broad definition of "family members."

Can 50,000,000 Barack Fans Be Wrong?

It’s not that I’m not paying attention, really it’s not. I am paying attention, kind of -- I mean it, I am! I glance at the headlines to see how the primaries are going, and check the usual elitist, hard-left sexist, extremist sites to see which way the wind is blowing. And I admit, I was a bit quicker than usual seeing how Tuesday’s primaries had turned out. Partly because I want it to be

Can 50,000,000 Barack Fans Be Wrong?

It’s not that I’m not paying attention, really it’s not. I am paying attention, kind of -- I mean it, I am! I glance at the headlines to see how the primaries are going, and check the usual elitist, hard-left sexist, extremist sites to see which way the wind is blowing. And I admit, I was a bit quicker than usual seeing how Tuesday’s primaries had turned out. Partly because I want it to be

Rug Hooked Purse

I haven't hooked much on the large rug. Instead I have been messing with the computer. Some good and some bad, such as reformatting and troubleshooting problems.A few days ago I decided I wanted a new purse to take with me to Teachers' Workshop. I knew what shape I wanted, but I was struggling with the design. I wanted to include the new rose motif that I have been using in my current rug


Another book review for Gay Community News, published sometime in 1988. Bird-eyes won a Lambda Literary Award for Best Novel. Madelyn went on to publish a fine collection of stories, On Ships At Sea (St. Martin's Press, 1992) and another novel, A Year of Full Moons (St. Martin's Press, 2000). Another novel is reportedly in progress; I hope her health allows her to finish it. Meanwhile, here


Another book review for Gay Community News, published sometime in 1988. Bird-eyes won a Lambda Literary Award for Best Novel. Madelyn went on to publish a fine collection of stories, On Ships At Sea (St. Martin's Press, 1992) and another novel, A Year of Full Moons (St. Martin's Press, 2000). Another novel is reportedly in progress; I hope her health allows her to finish it. Meanwhile, here


“The “M” word” [this is a phrase a justice used] loomed large in the arguments in the CA Supreme Court today. It had to, because California has registered domestic partnership which gives same-sex couples virtually the same legal consequences as marriage. The justices’ first questions were whether the state could eliminate the word “marriage” for everyone. Although the lawyers urging same-sex

Revolting Youth

This past weekend I finally saw Wild in the Streets, the 1968 moving picture about a rock star who takes over the country, lowers the voting age to 14, and sends everyone over 35 to concentration camps where they are controlled by LSD in the drinking water. I wish I’d seen it when I was a lot younger, when I was in its target demographic. I was 17 when it was released, but I don’t remember

Revolting Youth

This past weekend I finally saw Wild in the Streets, the 1968 moving picture about a rock star who takes over the country, lowers the voting age to 14, and sends everyone over 35 to concentration camps where they are controlled by LSD in the drinking water. I wish I’d seen it when I was a lot younger, when I was in its target demographic. I was 17 when it was released, but I don’t remember

Shirley I Am Coming Soon (Rev. 22.20)

I keep finding more amusing little goodies about the Morton Smith / Secret Gospel controversy. Last November First Things, a rather pretentious ecumenical journal, ran an item by its editor Richard John Neuhaus, praising Stephen Carlson’s Gospel Hoax as a “book that did not get the attention it deserved this past year”. (An odd claim, considering that Gospel Hoax has been widely reviewed,

Shirley I Am Coming Soon (Rev. 22.20)

I keep finding more amusing little goodies about the Morton Smith / Secret Gospel controversy. Last November First Things, a rather pretentious ecumenical journal, ran an item by its editor Richard John Neuhaus, praising Stephen Carlson’s Gospel Hoax as a “book that did not get the attention it deserved this past year”. (An odd claim, considering that Gospel Hoax has been widely reviewed,


The best short documentary Oscar went to "Freeheld," a film about a dying police officer's fight to ensure that her surviving partner would receive her pension. Gay rights groups are using the example of this movie as evidence of the need for marriage for same-sex couples. But the actual ending of the story is that the law changed to allow officers to leave their pensions to anyone they choose!


On Tuesday, March 4, the California Supreme Court will hear THREE HOURS of oral arguments in the cases seeking access to marriage for same-sex couples. With so much attention focused on California, it would be great for everyone to notice an aspect of California law that should be a model for all states -- including those with explicitly anti-gay policies. In California, a household member who

A Quick One With The King Of Kings

Fifty years ago, according to the historian Morton Smith (1915-1991), he found a manuscript fragment in the library of a Greek Orthodox monastery near Bethlehem, in what is now the West Bank of the Occupied Territories. The material, handwritten during the 1700s in the endpapers of a printed book, turned out to be a copy of part of a letter from Clement of Alexandria (ca 150 – ca 215), an

A Quick One With The King Of Kings

Fifty years ago, according to the historian Morton Smith (1915-1991), he found a manuscript fragment in the library of a Greek Orthodox monastery near Bethlehem, in what is now the West Bank of the Occupied Territories. The material, handwritten during the 1700s in the endpapers of a printed book, turned out to be a copy of part of a letter from Clement of Alexandria (ca 150 – ca 215), an