Moderation In All Things, Including Moderation

No, I didn't go to Jon Stewart's party in Washington yesterday. For one thing, as I've already mentioned, I had a prior engagement. For another, what "sanity" does Stewart propose we restore? This country has always been batshit crazy. For yet another, Stewart early on called his project a "Million Moderate March," which leaves me out: I'm not a moderate, and that puts me in good company --

Moderation In All Things, Including Moderation

No, I didn't go to Jon Stewart's party in Washington yesterday. For one thing, as I've already mentioned, I had a prior engagement. For another, what "sanity" does Stewart propose we restore? This country has always been batshit crazy. For yet another, Stewart early on called his project a "Million Moderate March," which leaves me out: I'm not a moderate, and that puts me in good company --

Buzzword of the Day: "Historic"

I happened to have NPR's news report turned on just now, and it began with the newscaster saying that the Democrats face "historic losses" on Tuesday. Considering how often right-wing pundits and propagandists have been throwing around the word "historic" lately in connection with elections, that little word package grated on my nerves. C'mon, every election can't be historic. (Was the 2006

Buzzword of the Day: "Historic"

I happened to have NPR's news report turned on just now, and it began with the newscaster saying that the Democrats face "historic losses" on Tuesday. Considering how often right-wing pundits and propagandists have been throwing around the word "historic" lately in connection with elections, that little word package grated on my nerves. C'mon, every election can't be historic. (Was the 2006

GDXJ Now Offers Long-Term LEAP Options

As if recent price action in the Gold price wasn't enough, there is now a tantalizing

How I Spent My Saturday Night

... working at the dorm Halloween Dance. This is something I've done for a good many years now, and it's not out of the kindness of my heart (I'll clear about $100 in overtime), but it's not drudgery either. I know the people (though not as well as I did in the past) and like them for the most part, and it is better than sitting at home slaving over a hot computer. The students do the

How I Spent My Saturday Night

... working at the dorm Halloween Dance. This is something I've done for a good many years now, and it's not out of the kindness of my heart (I'll clear about $100 in overtime), but it's not drudgery either. I know the people (though not as well as I did in the past) and like them for the most part, and it is better than sitting at home slaving over a hot computer. The students do the

Deja Vu All Over Again

Bruce Cumings's The Korean War again, page 196:In the aftermath of the Chinese intervention, a staff conference with Generals Ridgway, Almond, and Coulter, and others in attendance, brought up the issue of the [North Korean] "enemy in civilian clothing." Someone at this conference said, "We cannot execute them but they can be shot before they become prisoners." To which General Coulter replied,

Deja Vu All Over Again

Bruce Cumings's The Korean War again, page 196:In the aftermath of the Chinese intervention, a staff conference with Generals Ridgway, Almond, and Coulter, and others in attendance, brought up the issue of the [North Korean] "enemy in civilian clothing." Someone at this conference said, "We cannot execute them but they can be shot before they become prisoners." To which General Coulter replied,

American Exceptionalism -- The More It Changes ...

I'm reading Bruce Cumings's The Korean War: A History (The Modern Library, 2010), and will probably have some more to say about it as I go along. (If I don't get even further behind in my writing than I am already, that is.)For now, though, I'm struck by the enduring inability of many educated Americans -- not what my RWA1 calls the "yahoos," but, y'know, real people! -- to recognize that people

American Exceptionalism -- The More It Changes ...

I'm reading Bruce Cumings's The Korean War: A History (The Modern Library, 2010), and will probably have some more to say about it as I go along. (If I don't get even further behind in my writing than I am already, that is.)For now, though, I'm struck by the enduring inability of many educated Americans -- not what my RWA1 calls the "yahoos," but, y'know, real people! -- to recognize that people

New York court upholds California parentage judgment in surrogacy case

Surrogacy is illegal in New York (DC also!). That doesn't stop a New Yorker from going someplace where surrogacy is legal to have child. A gay male couple, DP and TR, did just that. They went to California, where a gestational mother became pregnant using a donor egg and semen from DP. Pursuant to a standard California practice, they went to court there, along with the surrogate and her husband,

Son of Elitism for the Masses

One of my right-wing acquaintances -- let's call him RWA1 to distinguish him from RWA2, though there's not much to distinguish them aside from a quarter-century in age -- just posted a Facebook Like to a National Review article called "Our So-called Experts," by one Jim Manzi. I was going to make a little joke to the effect that the so-called experts would be NR's -- that's the magazine that

Son of Elitism for the Masses

One of my right-wing acquaintances -- let's call him RWA1 to distinguish him from RWA2, though there's not much to distinguish them aside from a quarter-century in age -- just posted a Facebook Like to a National Review article called "Our So-called Experts," by one Jim Manzi. I was going to make a little joke to the effect that the so-called experts would be NR's -- that's the magazine that

Oh, If Only I Could Be Eighty Again!

I need to stop fooling around here and finish reading Queer Questions, Clear Answers so I can move on to something more interesting. So here's a video clip by the band Jive Grave.JIVE GRAVE at rockwood music hall from Geo Wyeth on Vimeo.I confess I found the bandleader Geo Wyeth at EastVillageBoys, a site that is one of my guilty -- well, not quite pleasures. Yes, I sometimes like to look at

Oh, If Only I Could Be Eighty Again!

I need to stop fooling around here and finish reading Queer Questions, Clear Answers so I can move on to something more interesting. So here's a video clip by the band Jive Grave.JIVE GRAVE at rockwood music hall from Geo Wyeth on Vimeo.I confess I found the bandleader Geo Wyeth at EastVillageBoys, a site that is one of my guilty -- well, not quite pleasures. Yes, I sometimes like to look at

Oregon Tax Court ruling points the way towards compulsory marriage

Last month the Oregon Tax Court ruled on the constitutionality of an administrative rule allowing same-sex but not different-sex partners to exempt from state tax the imputed value of their domestic partner health insurance benefits.The challenge was filed by Yvonne Haldeman, a taxpayer with an unmarried different-sex partner who, in 2007, tried to subtract $5313 from her gross income because


Back in the game in full force now, we've got for you the first taste of our upcoming single with the dazzling Mr. Little Jeans, out next month on Neon Gold. A significant departure from the roaring guitars of debut single "Angel", "Rescue Song" is her most intimate track yet, all soft tones and wintry comforts as the Norwegian chanteuse draws the listener to safety with her gentle,

California takes the initiative to meet the needs of LGBTQ youth in foster care

The vast majority of states are officially silent on the issue of both LGBT foster parents and LGBT children in the foster care system. We've gotten so used to opposing the states that ban LGBT foster and adoptive parents that we may sometimes forget the difference between permitting (perhaps grudgingly) and actually supporting and nurturing.Well along comes California to show the way. Last week

Kid -- We Don't Like Your Kind

Back in the Sixties, in his epic Alice's Restaurant Massacree, Arlo Guthrie told how he'd been rejected for military service because of his criminal record -- for littering.I went over to the sergeant, said, "Sergeant, you got a lot a damn gall to ask me if I've rehabilitated myself, I mean, I mean, I mean that just, I'm sittin' here on the bench, I mean I'm sittin here on the Group W bench '

Kid -- We Don't Like Your Kind

Back in the Sixties, in his epic Alice's Restaurant Massacree, Arlo Guthrie told how he'd been rejected for military service because of his criminal record -- for littering.I went over to the sergeant, said, "Sergeant, you got a lot a damn gall to ask me if I've rehabilitated myself, I mean, I mean, I mean that just, I'm sittin' here on the bench, I mean I'm sittin here on the Group W bench '

Own Gold Directly Where it is Cheaper, Easier and Safer –

One chart says it all (chart stolen from Market Harmonics):There is no need for me to

To Dream the Impossible Dream

I need to be reading tonight (James Church's mystery set in North Korea, A Corpse in the Koryo), so I'm going to be quick if not brief.Avedon enlarges on an argument she's made before at the Sideshow:Last night on Virtually Speaking Sundays I tried to make the point that Americans voted for a president who the media told them was "very liberal", a "far-left liberal", an "extreme liberal", and

To Dream the Impossible Dream

I need to be reading tonight (James Church's mystery set in North Korea, A Corpse in the Koryo), so I'm going to be quick if not brief.Avedon enlarges on an argument she's made before at the Sideshow:Last night on Virtually Speaking Sundays I tried to make the point that Americans voted for a president who the media told them was "very liberal", a "far-left liberal", an "extreme liberal", and


For a while now we've been making a strong case for Wolf Gang as the most underrated band in the UK, but with considerable love starting to come in from Pitchfork and his debut single proper slated for release on Atlantic next month, it's looking like that's starting to change. The single in question is the brilliant "Lions In Cages", a song we've been head over heels for since creative

Here Comes Everybody

Via Lenin's Tomb:I was also gratified to learn that Lenin doesn't like Zizek either.

Here Comes Everybody

Via Lenin's Tomb:I was also gratified to learn that Lenin doesn't like Zizek either.


We got over trying to figure out how Penguin Prison manages to churn out remixes of such an insanely high caliber like every other week a while ago. There's no explaining it, it's just one of those natural phenomena you have to get past questioning and just enjoy, like the northern lights or the impossible attractiveness of girls in New York City. Here's his latest, this time for The Temper

Voters Who Love Too Much: When You Keep Wishing and Hoping He'll Change

Something I forgot to clarify in a previous post, when I mentioned that the Tea Party is targeting Republican as well as Democratic incumbents: that fact shows that a lack of enthusiasm for one party doesn't necessarily translate into a lot of enthusiasm for the other party. I suppose it's not surprising that the politically and intellectually unsophisticated would make this logical error (The

Voters Who Love Too Much: When You Keep Wishing and Hoping He'll Change

Something I forgot to clarify in a previous post, when I mentioned that the Tea Party is targeting Republican as well as Democratic incumbents: that fact shows that a lack of enthusiasm for one party doesn't necessarily translate into a lot of enthusiasm for the other party. I suppose it's not surprising that the politically and intellectually unsophisticated would make this logical error (The

Spring of the Stag God - Gay Fantasy Book Review

Spring of the Stag God - Gay Fantasy Book Review

Dognitive Kissonance

Fortunately my head is case-hardened against all explosives up to a tactical nuclear device, or it would detonate right now. From BTC News:And then there’s this: Secretary Clinton said yesterday that one of her pet peeves is poor countries that don’t tax their elite and then expect the United States to come in and save their people. Clinton made the remark in a round-table discussion on the

Dognitive Kissonance

Fortunately my head is case-hardened against all explosives up to a tactical nuclear device, or it would detonate right now. From BTC News:And then there’s this: Secretary Clinton said yesterday that one of her pet peeves is poor countries that don’t tax their elite and then expect the United States to come in and save their people. Clinton made the remark in a round-table discussion on the

The Unbiased View Lies Somewhere in Between

Or, The Return of the True Pure Centrist.Last summer there was an interesting exchange at the Sideshow between Avedon and one of her regular liberal commenters. I threw in my two-cents worth, and wrote about it here. As so often, I was prophetic:The voters' dilemma is that neither party is sympathetic to the concerns of the mass of Americans, so there's nothing to do but vote out incumbents.

The Unbiased View Lies Somewhere in Between

Or, The Return of the True Pure Centrist.Last summer there was an interesting exchange at the Sideshow between Avedon and one of her regular liberal commenters. I threw in my two-cents worth, and wrote about it here. As so often, I was prophetic:The voters' dilemma is that neither party is sympathetic to the concerns of the mass of Americans, so there's nothing to do but vote out incumbents.

Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall

... and it finally did. Today we had rain, real rain, for the first time since I returned from Korea in June.And just because I'm a wicked, bitter, hateful old man, I was especially pleased, because today there was going to be a home football game. Sleep was hard to come by last night because of the drunks walking home from the bars and parties, screaming with joy and rage outside my window. I

Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall

... and it finally did. Today we had rain, real rain, for the first time since I returned from Korea in June.And just because I'm a wicked, bitter, hateful old man, I was especially pleased, because today there was going to be a home football game. Sleep was hard to come by last night because of the drunks walking home from the bars and parties, screaming with joy and rage outside my window. I

You're Either Laughing or Vomiting

After a brief aberration in which he linked to an actual sober conservative, my right-wing Facebook acquaintance reverted to form by offering up the latest effusion of classicist Victor Davis Hanson at National Review Online:On his latest speaking tour, the president has continued to talk about a traditional midterm election — in which the country assesses the sitting administration’s agenda —

You're Either Laughing or Vomiting

After a brief aberration in which he linked to an actual sober conservative, my right-wing Facebook acquaintance reverted to form by offering up the latest effusion of classicist Victor Davis Hanson at National Review Online:On his latest speaking tour, the president has continued to talk about a traditional midterm election — in which the country assesses the sitting administration’s agenda —


The Naked & Famous. Chiddy Bang. Together at last on the Neon Gold exclusive remix just in time for Friday night. Throw this on your stereo and turn your speakers up loud, your weekend just got a whole lot fresher.MP3: "Young Blood" (Chiddy Bang Remix) - The Naked & Famous [exclusive]

It Gets Better Project!

It Gets Better Project!