Secular Chart Porn With Stochastics
I believe the unthinkable is going to happen. My guess is that the March 2009 lows will
Music Gamelan Java in Alps
Traditional music of jawa in the reality have wide in ordinary europe. Ussually gamelan enjoyed in palace or building. But unique really extraordinary and when played above alps, Switzerland.Last Saturday, gamelan oscillation and Java Javanese song heave melodiously in downtown Martigny, Kanton Valais, Switzerland. Song Java, Suwe Ora Jamu, early gamelan concert performed by Java in Especial
Everything Everything's "MY KZ, UR BF" was one of our absolute favorite songs of last summer, and it still sounds every bit as fresh and brilliant one year on as Geffen readies it for a proper major label re-release. As if that wasn't exciting enough, our main man Clock Opera gets involved on the official remix package and smashes it out of the park once again. Easily one of the most innovative
Taman Wisata Alam Sangeh Bali
Taman Wisata Alam Sangeh located in Countryside Sangeh, Badung, Bali, about 20km from Denpasar. According to this travel guide, Taman Wisata Sangeh made as garden from empire of Mengwi. So that looking nice this garden is cultivated by nutmeg tree which is special to be delivered from Mount Agung. In fact plan making of this garden very secret but finally making of this garden is known by some
Krakatau Volcano Mountain
Possible you have be fed up with your run of the mill vacation and you wish to feel more challenging vacation. The unique of Mount Krakatau can make experience Vacation. Mount with various mystery story and smell this mistical is Child from Mount Krakatau which have Erupt at 27 August 1883. Its eruption very awful with resulted tsunami it defeat about that 36.000 eruption victims. Sound of
Good News for Modern Persons
There was an interesting post at A Distant Ocean recently, about an American Iraq War veteran named Victor Agosto, who refused deployment to Afghanistan. As a result he was court-martialed and sentenced to a year in prison. He appeared on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman, and explained how he got to the point where he began to resist.VICTOR AGOSTO: It just didn’t make sense to me why we were
Good News for Modern Persons
There was an interesting post at A Distant Ocean recently, about an American Iraq War veteran named Victor Agosto, who refused deployment to Afghanistan. As a result he was court-martialed and sentenced to a year in prison. He appeared on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman, and explained how he got to the point where he began to resist.VICTOR AGOSTO: It just didn’t make sense to me why we were
Silver Shortage - Money manager predicts the price of silver to skyrocket on industrial growth.
Money manager predicts the price of silver to skyrocket on industrial growth.
There's not much to say about the Holy Ghost! remix of former Neon Gold all-stars Monarchy that isn't immediately apparent once the beat drops and that unreal vocal from soul legend Karl Dixon transforms the original into a swirling and shimmering cosmic disco beast: This shit is HUGE. We've loved Holy Ghost! since their debut single "Hold On" first graced our ears - and the fact that they're
Ten Year Yield Back Below 3%
The U.S. Government ten-year bond yield ($TNX), that is. This is not an inflationist
Bunaken National Park at Manado
Bunaken is part of the Bunaken National Marine Park, which has some of the highest levels of marine biodiversity in the world. Bunaken is located at the north of the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. It belongs administratively to the municipality of Manado.The Bunaken National Marine Park was formally established in 1991 and is among the first of Indonesia's growing system of marine parks. The park
Concentrate on the Future, Not the Past
It's Gay Pride Day, the forty-first anniversary of the beginning of the Stonewall Riots, and I've been reading parts of Philip Gambone's Travels in a Gay Nation: Portraits of LGBTQ America (University of Wisconsin Press, 2010). It's a collection of interviews with more than forty GLBTQ+ π Americans, ranging from young-ish to old, male and female and all points between. Unfortunately the
Concentrate on the Future, Not the Past
It's Gay Pride Day, the forty-first anniversary of the beginning of the Stonewall Riots, and I've been reading parts of Philip Gambone's Travels in a Gay Nation: Portraits of LGBTQ America (University of Wisconsin Press, 2010). It's a collection of interviews with more than forty GLBTQ+ π Americans, ranging from young-ish to old, male and female and all points between. Unfortunately the
William L. Taylor, 1931-2010
Civil rights lawyer, William L. (Bill) Taylor, died today at Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. I knew him also as the father of Lauren Taylor, one of my oldest friends.Bill was responsible for the strategy that, in 1987, led the Senate to defeat President Reagan's nomination of Robert Bork to sit on the Supreme Court. The Justice we got instead was Anthony Kennedy, author of the Court's
Is Gold the Next Bubble?
Is Gold the Next Bubble? With gold having run up to record prices of late, some have wondered whether the yellow metal is likely to be the next bubble? Brett Arends discusses. And Peter Lattman profiles C. Dean Metropoulos, an low-profile investor with a knack for rebuilding old brands like Chef Boyardee, Bumble Bee and Schlitz. His most recent purchase: Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Another adult adoption story
Readers of this blog know my interest in the historical practice of a gay man or lesbian adopting his/her same-sex partner as a means of creating a legal relationship. Here are my previous posts.Well, this week's Washington Post Sunday "On Love" page features the marriage of Bob Davis, 89, and his partner of 62 years, Henry Schalizki, 90. Deep in the article, Henry reports that he adopted Bob
GOLD in the IMF
The IMF holds a relatively large amount of gold among its assets, not only for reasons of financial soundness, but also to meet unforeseen contingencies. The IMF holds 103.4 million ounces (3,217 metric tons) of gold, worth about $83 billion as of end-August 2009, making it the third-largest official holder of gold in the world.The IMF's Executive Board recently approved limited sales of gold.
Value Investor Charles De Vaulx Loves Gold
Famous value investor Charles De Vaulx loves gold vs fiat currencies. When asked if gold is going up based on the "great fool theory," De Vaulx says that those buying paper that can be printed endlessly are the greater fools.
Wow! Contest Update!
I just have to say, that so far, the images that have been submitted to the Class Comics/Fanboys of the Universe Contest are looking great! I love the messy dirty ones a lot, and the nice non-naughty pics are looking super sweet! Here's a couple of them, but if you want to see better resolution, go to: Class Comics
Wow! Contest Update!
I just have to say, that so far, the images that have been submitted to the Class Comics/Fanboys of the Universe Contest are looking great! I love the messy dirty ones a lot, and the nice non-naughty pics are looking super sweet! Here's a couple of them, but if you want to see better resolution, go to: Class Comics
Silver is Trading like a Currency, Finally!
Over the past few days, silver has bucked the trend of falling ever time the stock market sells off. The price seems to be rising as economic fear grows, much like gold. This means that investors are increasingly seeing silver as a currency, not just an industrial commodity.
GATA Chief Adrian Douglas outlook for the precious metals
GATA Chief Adrian Douglason Russia TodayGATA (Gold Anti Trust Agency) Director and CEO of Market Force Analysis Adrian Douglas giving a brief overview of the precious metals situation.
HHS proposed regs on hospital visitation ignore the needs of those incapable of naming visitors
If ever there was a bi-partisan no-brainer it is that every hospitalized patient should be able to name his or her visitors, subject to a medical reason to exclude them. The proposed regs emerging from the Obama administration (on line now but subject to official publication on Monday) accomplish no more than that.But what about emergencies, about patients unable to name their visitors? The
Morgan Stanley - Toast
And don't let the door hit you in the a** on the way out. I profiled Morgan Stanley's (
Living in the Catacombs: John Howard's Men Like That, part two
I really did mean to post more on John Howard's Men Like That in reasonable time, but time got away from me. So here's more now.-----------3.Somewhere along the line, "identity politics" has become a safe and handy term of abuse, like "political correctness" -- and about as free of content. Howard throws it around several times in Men Like That, without ever making it clear what he means by
Living in the Catacombs: John Howard's Men Like That, part two
I really did mean to post more on John Howard's Men Like That in reasonable time, but time got away from me. So here's more now.-----------3.Somewhere along the line, "identity politics" has become a safe and handy term of abuse, like "political correctness" -- and about as free of content. Howard throws it around several times in Men Like That, without ever making it clear what he means by
From Samuel we roll on to another artist from the Heavyroc massive, the very lovely Alex Winston. With her debut single "Choice Notes" currently being readied for release next month, she's preceding it with a free compilation of covers next week, aptly titled The Basement Covers EP. The EP finds Ms. Winston having a go at covers of Teddybears, The Stones and our dudes Mumford & Sons, but our
West Virginia Supreme Court closes a door on co-parent guardianship...and never identifies the relationship of the two women involved
If you use the words "lesbian" or "same-sex couple" to search for court opinions on lesbian couples raising children, you would miss In re Richard P., handed down earlier this month by the West Virginia Supreme Court. In that case, two women, Cary and Jennifer, filed a petition to appoint Cary as the legal guardian of Richard and Devon, the two children Jennifer bore when she was married to
Deja Vu and Rule Changes
More fractal chart porn. We're back at the 1000 range in the S&P 500 and looking all "
Stock Bear Market Fun With Elliott Wave
Since the return of my black bile bearishness, I have been neglecting the Gold patch a
Samuel is one of our number one dudes in NYC (and we just returned from rage managing his West Coast tour), so it's with great pleasure that we unveil his debut single "I Heart NY". I guess it's trendy to rhyme about NYC ever since Jay and Alicia started banging on about bright lights and concrete jungles, but this was our original NYC anthem, the demo racking up a serious play count in our
First Major U.S. Index To Trigger
A fully bearish stance, that is. I remain radically bearish on general stocks. Today the
New FMLA regs clarify what was already the law so let's not claim this is a dramatic shift
When the Obama administration issues its regulations on taking leave to care for a partner's child under the Family and Medical Leave Act, it will simply be reiterating what is already the law. It makes me a tad crazy that the new regulations suggest they are a change. While I believe that employers might have acted in violation of the law in the past (as the story of one couple in this New
Social Justice for Me, But Not for Thee
Once again Andrew Sullivan demonstrates his aggressive fondness for disinformation. As he advances toward his 50th birthday, that becomes less and less excusable because of his youth.In a June 16 post Sullivan writes:The salience of the drag queen revolt in the West Village in June 1969 is not in any historical dispute. It was a cultural and psychological breakthrough - an empowering moment
Social Justice for Me, But Not for Thee
Once again Andrew Sullivan demonstrates his aggressive fondness for disinformation. As he advances toward his 50th birthday, that becomes less and less excusable because of his youth.In a June 16 post Sullivan writes:The salience of the drag queen revolt in the West Village in June 1969 is not in any historical dispute. It was a cultural and psychological breakthrough - an empowering moment
Gold peaks at $1263 - Robby Noel vs CNBC Jun 18 2010
CNBC maintains that Gold is in a bubbleCNBC maintains that Gold is in a bubble. Robby says CNBC is a worthless financial channel.Gold peaked at $1263 but settled at $1257.Silver peaked at $19.30 but settled at $19.19.Robby maintains that the media is not focusing enough on the financial crisis. Caller mentions having difficulty trying to talk to friends about Zionism.Robby explains when he was on
American Exceptionalism
(Showing the spirit in Myeongdong, Seoul, 17 June 2010)Korea's in the throes of World Cup fever, of course. The night their team played Greece, thousands of people went out in the rain to watch the game on a giant screen TV downtown. I stayed in and watched with my host and his family, who were much more excited than I was. Another friend told me he'd watched with his son and some other kids -
American Exceptionalism
(Showing the spirit in Myeongdong, Seoul, 17 June 2010)Korea's in the throes of World Cup fever, of course. The night their team played Greece, thousands of people went out in the rain to watch the game on a giant screen TV downtown. I stayed in and watched with my host and his family, who were much more excited than I was. Another friend told me he'd watched with his son and some other kids -
Barbarous Relic Back From the Dead
Another day, another new nominal high in the U.S. Dollar Gold price. Paperbugs hate it
Pantai Tanjung Lesung Ujung Kulon
Pantai Tanjung Lesung Ujung KulonWisata Tanjung Lesung Ujung Kulon area is true have been managed professionally and inwrought by developer. Sensible if altogether completely arranged regular and natty. Existing facility also very complete. Accomodation medium can be selected down alley Your money, halting-place house will which is have pay to Rp. 200 thousand or luxuriant villa and hotel with
What Are the Big Boyz Trying to Tell Us?
While the bulls shout with glee and claim how wrong being bearish is, I have continued to
Back Home to Indiana
I'll be leaving tomorrow morning for the US, so there won't be much opportunity to do anything here for a day or two. Meanwhile, my review of a good new Korean film is up at I saw it in a theater in Seoul, with English subtitles -- a nice service provided for the Korean-challenged for a few new films. It turned to be quite popular, as I say in the review -- dislodging Prince of
Back Home to Indiana
I'll be leaving tomorrow morning for the US, so there won't be much opportunity to do anything here for a day or two. Meanwhile, my review of a good new Korean film is up at I saw it in a theater in Seoul, with English subtitles -- a nice service provided for the Korean-challenged for a few new films. It turned to be quite popular, as I say in the review -- dislodging Prince of
Mike Maloney : Gold standards are not the holy grail of monetary systems
Gold standards are not the holy grail of monetary systems. They merely open up the possibility of governments abusing the system and printing more receipts for gold and silver (cash) than they have in physical metal. One of the reasons that we are living through such turmoil is that we allowed governments to cheat gold. A more stable system: use gold and silver themselves as money, as the free
For Watching TV Without Nausea, Try Dramamine
Just to keep things in perspective it's useful periodically to point out that one cannot watch TV without frequent nausea. One tunes in for a run-of-the-mill fifteen-minute broadcast of evening news on "NBC, the Community Minded Station" -- this is part of the station's public-service obligation -- and what does the newscaster Merrill Mueller show us? First governor Rockefeller and his bride
For Watching TV Without Nausea, Try Dramamine
Just to keep things in perspective it's useful periodically to point out that one cannot watch TV without frequent nausea. One tunes in for a run-of-the-mill fifteen-minute broadcast of evening news on "NBC, the Community Minded Station" -- this is part of the station's public-service obligation -- and what does the newscaster Merrill Mueller show us? First governor Rockefeller and his bride
Final OPM regs value broad range of relationships and should be model for other reforms
I posted last fall about proposed regulations from the Office of Personnel Management concerning for whom a federal employee may use sick or bereavement leave. Yesterday, OPM issued the finals regs, in the process responding to comments received on the proposed regs.The lesson from the definition of family in these regs is not just how family is defined, but the chronological process getting us
Look to the Future, Don't Dwell on the Past
This morning, while I was getting ready to leave for Gumi, my host's TV set was on, tuned to the news. Although my Korean is rudimentary to the point of nonexistence, I could tell just by the sound that something was up, so I looked at the screen. It was President Lee Myung-bak, solemnly intoning something or other. For a while I was nervous that he might be announcing a declaration of war
Look to the Future, Don't Dwell on the Past
This morning, while I was getting ready to leave for Gumi, my host's TV set was on, tuned to the news. Although my Korean is rudimentary to the point of nonexistence, I could tell just by the sound that something was up, so I looked at the screen. It was President Lee Myung-bak, solemnly intoning something or other. For a while I was nervous that he might be announcing a declaration of war
More and Better Democrats!
But oh yeah, we had some elections in the US too a few weeks back, didn't we? Just primaries, though. The most depressing thing I read about them was this piece on the apotheosis of Blanche Lincoln.Lincoln's comeback strategy was twofold: She took the anti-incumbent mood head on — "I know you're angry at Washington," she said in one ad — while making out-of-state unions a political boogeyman
More and Better Democrats!
But oh yeah, we had some elections in the US too a few weeks back, didn't we? Just primaries, though. The most depressing thing I read about them was this piece on the apotheosis of Blanche Lincoln.Lincoln's comeback strategy was twofold: She took the anti-incumbent mood head on — "I know you're angry at Washington," she said in one ad — while making out-of-state unions a political boogeyman
So Bearish on Stocks, My Teeth Hurt
Probably from all that black bile bearishness I've had sloshing around in my gut lately.
$1 trillion of minerals and Gold found in Afghanistan
(CNN) - According to the New York Times, a massive reserve of mineral deposits has been found in Afghanistan. Our Christine Romans has the report.June 14, 2010 — The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself, according
These days everyone wants to be a single lady, and we're certainly not going to be the ones to tell Mr. Little Jeans she can't get in on the action. So to celebrate the release of her Angel EP last week (quickly flying off the shelves at the Neon Gold Shop and Puregroove), we're putting our hands up and giving away her lovely take on the Beyonce anthem for free download below. We liked it enough
The Flight to Safety
U.S. Dollar bulls have been correct as long as the scoreboard they use to claim victory
Mini Fort Knox in Asia - JP Morgan fears Confiscation
A Mini Fort Knox built by JP Morgan in Singapore due to "fear of confiscation". Next Stop for Gold: $1500 Mini Fort Knox in Asia - Robby Noel June 10 2010Kelvin Tay, chief investment strategist at UBS Wealth Management, expects gold prices to hit $1500 in 12 months. He tells Paul Schulte, managing director at Nomura International and CNBC's Martin Soong and Karen Tso why he is so bullish on
See Cenderawasih Bird Attraction Dance in Sawinggrai Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat is the name of famous archipelago in Papua West region with beauty of fish type variety and rock. Because beauty of this is, almost can be ascertained every tourist paying a visit to Raja Ampat have never overcome opportunity enjoy natural beauty under its sea. It is not strange, many people mention Raja Ampat as heaven to diver world.If you visit Raja Ampat, use opportunity
Oleh-Oleh aja kok bingung? holiday gift for your family
Di akhir masa traveling yang fun banget kita sering kali bingung, mikirin oleh2 apa yahh yang paling bagus buat keluarga? Sangking binunnya kadang malah kaga kebeli hehehe... (paraaahhh)Oleh2 itu cuma tradisi di indonesia, tanda kalau kita sang "pengembara" teteup ingat sama keluarga kita atau temen2 walaupun kita jauhh di sanah. Cuma yah itu kadang sampe bingung sendiri milihnya.Pilihan aku
Gear Up the Gay Comic Geek Contest!
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Gear Up the Gay Comic Geek Contest!
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
The Beauty of Pantai Tanjung Lesung Beach Banten
If You visit Coastal of Tanjung Lesung, Pandeglang, Banten, hence don't forget to see coral habitat go out to sea famous Tanjung Lesung beauty and cleanness. To get acquainted with the sea habitat, visitor can try athletics snorkeling or dive on the surface of. See some multicoloured sea fish seen from returning sea rock which gorgeous also. A number of visible fish forming crowd large group swim
Interesting Tour Package at Lake Sentani Papua
Tour package in Festival Danau Sentani (FDS) in Kalkote wisata area, Sentani East, Jayapura, Papua, becoming new tour travel fascination to foreign tourist and domestic tourist. That submitted by Coordinator Guide Tour Wisata FDS, Herry Wondiwoy, in Sentani, Sub-Province Jayapura town, Tuesday ( 8/6/2010). expressing that sentani lake have tour travel fascination.He tell, to foreign and also
Unprecedented Turbulence
Only a few days after I posted some secular chart porn related to the unprecedented down
Doomed to Repeat It
Noam Chomsky has a statement up about the Israeli hijacking of the Mavi Marmara, with this important reminder:It is worth bearing in mind that the crime is nothing new. For decades, Israel has been hijacking boats in international waters between Cyprus and Lebanon, killing or kidnapping passengers, sometimes bringing them to prisons in Israel including secret prison/torture chambers, sometimes
Doomed to Repeat It
Noam Chomsky has a statement up about the Israeli hijacking of the Mavi Marmara, with this important reminder:It is worth bearing in mind that the crime is nothing new. For decades, Israel has been hijacking boats in international waters between Cyprus and Lebanon, killing or kidnapping passengers, sometimes bringing them to prisons in Israel including secret prison/torture chambers, sometimes
Having Faith in Faith in Faith in Faith
I just finished reading 36 Arguments for the Existence of God: A Work of Fiction by Rebecca Newberger Goldstein. It's Goldstein's seventh novel (she's also written two nonfiction works on Godel's Proof and Baruch Spinoza), and it's the first book since her first, The Mind-Body Problem, that I've felt like re-reading. I want to write about it in more detail another time, but for now I want to
Having Faith in Faith in Faith in Faith
I just finished reading 36 Arguments for the Existence of God: A Work of Fiction by Rebecca Newberger Goldstein. It's Goldstein's seventh novel (she's also written two nonfiction works on Godel's Proof and Baruch Spinoza), and it's the first book since her first, The Mind-Body Problem, that I've felt like re-reading. I want to write about it in more detail another time, but for now I want to
One of our favorite new talents of 2010, Spark arrives on the scene next month with her debut single "Shut Out The Moon", released July 12th by our dear friends at Puregroove. Currently on tour with Marina & The Diamonds, she possesses many of the same qualities that have made Marina one of the most adored new artists in the UK, from her off-the-wall fashion sense right down to her powerful
Castles Made of Sand
As Jimi Hendrix sang:And so castles made of sandmelts into the seaeventuallyDebt-backed
Long Gold, Short Stocks
Which is why I rather enjoyed today. Gold won the clash of the titans and looked strong
Research shows good results for 17-year-old children born to lesbians using donor insemination
I remember the mid-1980's. My daughter was a toddler. Lesbians planning to bear or adopt children alone or in couples was still pretty new. There was no research, and as research came out, it faced the criticism that there were no longitudinal studies. San Francisco-based psychiatrist Nanette Gartrell saw a need and stepped in. When she told me she was planning to study through adulthood the
Out with the Old Rascals, In with the New Rascals
Over at The Sideshow, Avedon Carol wrote:...I was going to write about how documenting the atrocities is all very well (information is important), but the frustration of not being able to come up with a coherent response aside from telling people to organize (think about how vague that sounds: What does "organize" mean?) just made it hard to write. I may be somewhat hampered in my ability
Out with the Old Rascals, In with the New Rascals
Over at The Sideshow, Avedon Carol wrote:...I was going to write about how documenting the atrocities is all very well (information is important), but the frustration of not being able to come up with a coherent response aside from telling people to organize (think about how vague that sounds: What does "organize" mean?) just made it hard to write. I may be somewhat hampered in my ability
Secular Stock Bear Chart Porn
Friday was yet another big day of declining versus advancing shares and the volume in
The Genealogy of Morals
I can't now remember how I came across Morality as a Biological Phenomenon: the Presuppositions of Sociobiological Research, edited by Gunther S. Stent and published by the University of California Press in 1980, but I'm glad I did. Stent's introductory essay, which I want to write about later, is especially interesting, and I'm still working my way through the book."The Biology of Morals from a
The Genealogy of Morals
I can't now remember how I came across Morality as a Biological Phenomenon: the Presuppositions of Sociobiological Research, edited by Gunther S. Stent and published by the University of California Press in 1980, but I'm glad I did. Stent's introductory essay, which I want to write about later, is especially interesting, and I'm still working my way through the book."The Biology of Morals from a
Free Gaza Protest, Seoul
Thanks to a link at The Distant Ocean, I learned that there would be a demonstration today in protest of Israel's murderous attack on the Freedom Flotilla. It took me a while to find it because the Israeli Embassy is not on Embassy Row like the heavily fortified American Embassy a few blocks north, but on the sixteenth floor of an office building owned by one of the big Seoul newspapers.It was
Free Gaza Protest, Seoul
Thanks to a link at The Distant Ocean, I learned that there would be a demonstration today in protest of Israel's murderous attack on the Freedom Flotilla. It took me a while to find it because the Israeli Embassy is not on Embassy Row like the heavily fortified American Embassy a few blocks north, but on the sixteenth floor of an office building owned by one of the big Seoul newspapers.It was
Just A Bear Having Fun
It is un-American to be bearish on anything besides Gold and silver. Only evil, greedy
Quite possibly the most sought after new act in the US, Foster The People have spent the first half of 2010 at the center of a serious major label A&R scrum, and with immense tracks like "Pumped Up Kicks" it's not hard to see why. Combining the production aesthetic of Peter Bjorn & John with the summery falsettos of MGMT or Empire of the Sun, "Pumped Up Kicks" has indie summer anthem written all
Gold to Hit $2,000?
Robert McEwen, chairman of U.S. Gold, a gold exploration company, tells CNBC he expects the precious metal to hit $2,000.
The Europe Problem Will Be Contained
Have no fear, the global apparatchiks and masters of the financial universe will contain
Look at You, Miss Information!
Here's another story that people should be aware of, but I can link to it. Briefly, John Caruso at The Distant Ocean saw a story from Ha'aretz claiming that another blockade-busting aid ship, the Rachel Corrie, had been negotiating with the Israeli government and would land quietly in Ashdod and allow its cargo to be shipped to Gaza from there. "The most recent messages from Halliday were said
Look at You, Miss Information!
Here's another story that people should be aware of, but I can link to it. Briefly, John Caruso at The Distant Ocean saw a story from Ha'aretz claiming that another blockade-busting aid ship, the Rachel Corrie, had been negotiating with the Israeli government and would land quietly in Ashdod and allow its cargo to be shipped to Gaza from there. "The most recent messages from Halliday were said
Excluding different sex domestic partners bodes ill for federal law reform
Domestic partners of federal employees are now eligible for long term care insurance. The Obama administration determined that it could make this change, without going to Congress, as part of the review of federal employee benefits the President announced last June. The program will be limited, however, to same-sex partners. The final regulations state that "opposite-sex domestic partners were
Fill the Gap Then Crap?
Talking about the stock market and, specifically, how it relates to the Volatility Index
Cruise Ship (just for retirement or, its a fun thing for young peeps too?)
I am looking at a mail that being sent by my mailing group, showing the "Oasis of The Sea" ship. I google it down and find some interesting fact. The ship had set a record by carrying over 6000 passenger. Its really a floating "small town". With 28 ultra-modern loft suites and 2,700 spacious staterooms, this 16-deck marvel proves that the impossible, is possible (as said on one of the website).
Iran Buys Gold and US Dollar
Iran Buys Dollar, Gold June 03, 2010 — Former U.S. Ambassador to the UN John Bolton on the reasons behind the Iranian central banks decision to sell euros to buy the U.S. dollar and gold.
Texas Supreme Court lets stand ruling in favor of nonbio mom
The Texas appeals courts are split on whether a child is entitled to maintain a relationship with a nonbiological mother when the lesbian couple raising the child splits up. Last month I wrote about a terrible decision, but last December a different appeals court ruled that a nonbio mom, K.V., could proceed to trial on her claim for visitation rights with her daughter, M.K.S.Because of the split
But Mommmmmm!
This comment was posted by Christopher under this posting at Who Is Ioz? There's no permalink (I could swear there used to be permalinks for the comments there), or I'd just link to it. But it's the perfect rational response to an argument we've all heard, not just about Israel but about the US.Only assholes use "There are worse things out there, you have no right to complain about anything
But Mommmmmm!
This comment was posted by Christopher under this posting at Who Is Ioz? There's no permalink (I could swear there used to be permalinks for the comments there), or I'd just link to it. But it's the perfect rational response to an argument we've all heard, not just about Israel but about the US.Only assholes use "There are worse things out there, you have no right to complain about anything
Working With GoldMoney
I have started working with on their marketing/advertising. This makes me
Gold Rush : Whats Driving Main Street Investors to Buy Gold?
June 02, 2010 — Gold dealer Arthur Blumenthal on why the sales of gold bullion and coins continues to be strong.
Late-Night Notes
Numerous other people (including me) have quoted this line from Glenn Greenwald's May 31 post, but it's so on-target that I want to spread it a little farther:Just ponder what we'd be hearing if Iran had raided a humanitarian ship in international waters and killed 15 or so civilians aboard.And the only President we've got seems to be deliberately seeking to prove once again that reality outruns
Late-Night Notes
Numerous other people (including me) have quoted this line from Glenn Greenwald's May 31 post, but it's so on-target that I want to spread it a little farther:Just ponder what we'd be hearing if Iran had raided a humanitarian ship in international waters and killed 15 or so civilians aboard.And the only President we've got seems to be deliberately seeking to prove once again that reality outruns
Quick Position Updates
Took partial profits on paper Gold long position (via the double bullish UGL ETF) today.
Flaunting It!
Okay, I'm as diverse as the next person, and some of my best friends are heterosexuals, okay? What I don't get is why they have to ram their sex lives down my throat.I mean, there are children watching. They might decide it would be "cool" to grow up like that. What ever happened to privacy? Why don't they just do it in the road?For contrast, here's a model of discretion for you.The writer at
Flaunting It!
Okay, I'm as diverse as the next person, and some of my best friends are heterosexuals, okay? What I don't get is why they have to ram their sex lives down my throat.I mean, there are children watching. They might decide it would be "cool" to grow up like that. What ever happened to privacy? Why don't they just do it in the road?For contrast, here's a model of discretion for you.The writer at
Gold Rush or Fools Gold? Dylan Ratigan
If you want to pay 74% more for gold coins than necessary, then follow the advice of snake oil salemen like Glenn Beck and buy those gold coins from Goldline.
Penguin Prison is our favorite new artist in NYC by miles, so we're thrilled to be putting on his next live show June 9th at Santos Party House. He'll also be DJing the event, joined on the ones and twos by our very own Neon Gold Beat Company, with live sets from Bad Brilliance and newcomers Planes rounding out the night. Anyone who's seen Penguin perform thus far knows it's one of those special
And the Beat Goes On
Though they perpetrate more than their share of outright falsehood, a lot of what is wrong with corporate media is distortion, tone, and viewpoint.A good example of what I'm talking about is this post, "Commando Raid May Be Strategic Blow to Israel Itself." Joseph Schuman, Senior Correspondent, writes that the attack "may have played right into the hands of Hamas and the Islamist
And the Beat Goes On
Though they perpetrate more than their share of outright falsehood, a lot of what is wrong with corporate media is distortion, tone, and viewpoint.A good example of what I'm talking about is this post, "Commando Raid May Be Strategic Blow to Israel Itself." Joseph Schuman, Senior Correspondent, writes that the attack "may have played right into the hands of Hamas and the Islamist
Garuda Wisnu Kencana Highest Candidate statue In World
GWK is abbreviation from Garuda Wisnu Kencana, a planned Indonesian nation mahakarya will be founded as highest statue World highly 172 m above surface of land. statue GWK reside in Bali south precisely in Ungasan hill, nearby Udayana campus and use dry and arid chalk farm.Its statue GWK plan as “ expecter” incoming tourist to Bali through air. With its height which exceed Liberty statue in
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